Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Attack Update...

Another day.. another attack...

Tuesday and I got the storage cleaned out... we have such a little amount remaining that we downsized by $30 a month and changed storage locations to a safer location.. whoo hoo! Tod is moving the stuff this weekend.

Got all the weekend stuff from Wal*Mart...

My phone works now... sends and receives emails... another thing off the to do list!

Tuesday is taking stuff to the Salvation Army for me today... and taking the trumpet back to Fayetteville on Thursday..

Going to work out at 5:45 with Elizabeth.. she is joining Fuse and we are working out together.. that is AWESOME!

Utah had his first day of Mountie Baseball Camp - this will be the last year he will have camp with Coach Woodruff. Coach Woodruff is a phenomenal coach, teacher, and person. Each year Utah (and all other campers) got a note from him reminding him about the camp and encouraging him to attend. Hannah had him for a class in high school and he is truly spectacular as a teacher, too. He will be missed!

We are knocking stuff out.. whoo hoo!

Now.. if Hubb would just sleep later than 7am, I could sleep in one morning!

1 comment:

TheDorothyFamily said...

Just stopping in to see what you got done today? :)