Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tagged by the number eight!

Thank you for the tag... you are the top of my tag list (wishing to remain anonymous will not protect you :-))! This was fun.. 8 is my favorite number, so I had to do this little mental exercise!

8 TV Shows I watch (don't sit down often enough to really watch a whole TV show, but these are the ones I attempt):
1. House
2. Burn Notice
3. Big Bang Theory
4. CSI (sometimes)
6. What Not to Wear? -you'd think I'd dress better!
7. Flip That House
8. whatever Tod has on the TV.... he is in charge of the remote!

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Shogun
2. Bonefish Grill
3. Fish City
4. Schlotsky's (great veggie pizza!)
5. I love breakfast for dinner.. so any great dive that serves pancakes with scrambled eggs.
6. Copelands
7. Tod's dinners are the best!
8. dessert from Mimi's

8 Things that Happened to Me Today (Friday):
1. realized I hadn't wrapped any presents yet, all in a pile in the closet
2. Made gingerbread houses with 40 7th graders
3. lost my phone, TWICE
4. witnessed Utah's moment of clarity!
5. served pizza to about 18 7th graders
6. went to bed knowing I could sleep in on Saturday... and two weeks off!
7. ate Chinese food with Tod and Utah
8. watched Jeff Dunham (comedian)

8 Things I Look Forward To:
1. the Holidays... kids home for the break!
2. reaching my goal weight!
3. National Boards next year....
4. Hanging out with Tod (he took the week off) and Tuesday, Hannah, and Utah over the break
5. Hubb coming home
6. baking with the kiddos
7. Visiting my sister Elizabeth and neice Grace
8. spending some time with Elizabeth, James, and Emmet over the Christmas break, we miss you guys!

8 Things I Wish For:
1. More time with my family... so busy during the school year...
2. More time with my friends...
4. The ability to reach ALL my students...
5. More quiet time.. reflective time... reading time... prayer...
6. Happiness.... success... for all my children....
7. more sleep
8. clarity

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