Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Rogers Hobos!

Baseball season has started and Tod is coaching Utah's 14-15 year old team. He has really enjoyed the practices and this age group. A couple random facts: a very generous parent built a portable mound for the team and Tod has only hurt his knee twice (going to be a good season)! Utah is playing short stop more than catcher this year and we are excited.. we have a great catcher on the team and they are both going to get the opportunity to play other positions. Hubb has been going to practices and it has really improved his behavior and he is getting some serious little kiddo time!

The schedule is at the following link:, though it is difficult to read. I will try to find a way to post a link to a spreadsheet that just has our team included. When you look at this schedule, look for team Rogers 2 - T. Julius, which the players renamed to the Rogers Hobos! If you need directions to any of the fields, please just email or call.

We hope to see each of you there... let us know if you plan to attend.. I will be on a blanket somewhere off from the crowd with Hubb and who knows what else :-)!

1 comment:

TheDorothyFamily said...

Do Wes' team and Utah's team ever play each other? I see where they are different ages but wondered if they meet during "non-regular" tourney's?