Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Break To Do

I cannot sleep because of my back - agh! I thought I would post my spring break to do list... I know, boring, sorry!

1. Run a million errands tomorrow, including taking Rudy to the vet... him and Hubb were goofing around and Hubb's big paw cut Rudy's shoulder and we want to make sure it doesn't get infected... poor little guy!
2. Scan pictures so I can have them online to post and safe from any possible damage from storage
3. Haircut for Utah on Saturday - or more like a hair intervention - he has gradually returned to a hair helmet and needing a comb all the time.. sheesh!
4. Hair color and cut for me on Saturday.
5. Consignment and/or donation of three large bags of clothes.. if anyone is interested in size twelve capris, let me know, got a big bag full of Dockers that can be yours for nothing!
6 Clean house (Tod vacuumed today so all that is left is bathrooms and dusting).

I want to watch Twilight at least once more this week... and Utah and I are going to Branson (he is inviting a friend) for a couple of days... we have baseball practice starting Monday, too..

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Hey when are you going to Branson? Maybe I can meet you for a quick visit. Your blog looks cute. I guess you are doing a seasonal background. Now I really feel like an underachiever! Did you ever look at the blogs I sent you. I know Tuesday will love the What I wore - she uses vintage, target etc.