Saturday, August 23, 2008

Night out with the family and friends....

Kick-off for Kirksey, Elmwood, and Rogers High School (Mounties) began with a car load of Kirksey ball players headed to eat....

Emmet got a ride to the car from Uncle Tod...

Emmet was quite the camera 'ham' tonight at dinner.. when he would see the orange light come on for the flash he was CRACK UP! It was fun to watch him make his serious face, only to crack up when the orange light would come on....

New haircut and color for mom...

Dad and Utah spent the crazy day on the couch watching movies, the Olympics, and playing video games...

I am constantly accused of not posting pictures of myself.. so here are two pictures of me... the dreaded full body shots... sheesh! I am always taking the pictures and seldom IN the pictures :-)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Funny baby! I really like the hair. Maybe I'll work toward that look. i'm thinking about going a little longer but I am afraid it will make me look even older. I asked about extensions but it would be about $600.00 so I think I'll pass. And by the way, I looked like an old hag in the picture you posted of Grace and me. It was a shock because that is not the girl I see when I look in the mirror!