Happy Father's Day! I have posted some very random pictures of Tod and the kiddos. I know I say it all the time, but the life we have tomorrow is because of the father we have today. Though packaged in an unconventional way, Tod is a kind, patient, and generous leader who has high expectations of himself and those around him. His family comes first and with that being said, it is important to me that you know it is not said out of habit or empty tribute. Tod has sacrificed much and without complaint to ensure each of us has all we need and that he is always available.
Tod takes Utah to school every day.. so I can leave for work early and Utah can sleep as late as possible. During the school year, Tod takes Utah to all his doctor's appts, orthodontist appts, and stays home with him when he is sick so I don't have to miss work. Tod kept his job for all these years because of the flexibility it offers him - he coached the girls, coaches Utah, and is always available for us when we need him. He works from home when I am sick so he can watch the kids and I can rest. He gets up every morning at 5am and feeds the dogs. He takes care of all the yard work and pool stuff. He lets us shop till we drop.. without whine or complaint! He doesn't chastise us for mistakes... usually says just to learn from the mistake or that we are only human. He often says, 'you work so hard all year, you deserve something nice'. He is faithful and loyal.. generous and yes, even wise! He is also adored by us and we are thankful for him every day of the year. God is Great!

Some pictures of my daddy are in here, too. We miss you Grandpa Doyle! Thank you for not being mad when I wrecked your car in the driveway... thank you for waiting on the front porch until I got home... thank you for working so hard every day so we could have all the things we need.. thank you for raising us all, friends and all, as if we were your own... you set an example for me that I never knew how precious it would be until I married Tod.

Welcome to the jungle! We got a new rug for the living room, Rudy and Hubb thought we got it for them and played all night on the rug!

Driving home yesterday there were three deer in the road by our house.. a doe with two fawns, twins most likely. They were no more than two feet high and still spotted, of course.. tiny tiny little things! I haven't learned how to zoom on my iphone yet, so the pictures arn't very good but I think you can make them out, look very closely.. adorable and one of the reasons we love it here! We have also been greeted by peacocks frequently!

Welcome to the jungle! We got a new rug for the living room, Rudy and Hubb thought we got it for them and played all night on the rug!

Driving home yesterday there were three deer in the road by our house.. a doe with two fawns, twins most likely. They were no more than two feet high and still spotted, of course.. tiny tiny little things! I haven't learned how to zoom on my iphone yet, so the pictures arn't very good but I think you can make them out, look very closely.. adorable and one of the reasons we love it here! We have also been greeted by peacocks frequently!
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