School was done for me on June 4th... room packed and moved. I am teaching math only next year, so I had to move out of the science classroom. I have moved classrooms every year that I have taught. I am glad to be teaching math next year and excited to have the opportunity to one hour of reading, too. I have started planning for math, both 7th and 8th grade. I have the year sketched out, I just need to plan my focus and activities for each day. I am planning to change things up quite a bit this year to improve performance on open response questions.
I went to see my GP and, long story short, he noticed some 'spots' on my face that caused him some concern. He sent me across the hall to a dermatologist who did some tests and discovered that they were precancerous and I needed to do some treatments immediately. I havd the levulan acid blue light treatment done last week and boy was it noooooooo fun at all. I am peeling really bad right now but the discomfort has passed. I have another treatment in July and then another in August. They will evaluate my skin after the last treatment and we will go from there. I have had several spots turn very brown and scaly, which is an indicator that they were pre-cancerous (AK's is what the doc called them). Here is one photograph I took while putting ice on my forehead because it was burning! SUNSCREEN IS SOOOO IMPORTANT!
Our house is still on the market, but we went ahead and spent some money on the backyard on some plants.. I put most of them in pots so I could move them with me. We figure the more we do to make the pool area look fun and enjoyable.. pretty and enticing, the more likely we are to attract a buyer. We also hired a handyman for two days to do some work around the house and yard that we just do not have the time or resources to get done. He got all that done before I had my AK treatment, thank goodness! I will have to take another picture of the pool area, the plants have rooted and are really pretty. We have also added some hanging plants to the front porch and they are beautiful!
This is what Hubb does when he wants to go outside... he doesn't fit, obviously, so he sticks his head out until we notice him and let him out. The handyman friend of ours is putting a big doggee door in a different door for Hubb. This is adorable but we worry he is going to hurt himself trying to get in and out such a small door... 

Emmet really likes my lip stuff. We went and got ice cream the first week of summer and he loved trying to put on my lip stuff. We don't get to see each other like we used to... it was once a week at least before, but lives have gotten busy and it is only a couple times a month right now. We sure miss the little guy... and I miss time with Elizabeth!

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