Sunday, May 11, 2008

Tick bite gone bad!

On Friday morning I removed a brown wood tick from my calf. For most of Friday it was a red spot about the size of a quarter that itched a little. By Saturday morning, this is what it looked like and I had to go to the convenient care clinic. It is infected and I am on antibiotics now and it itches and hurts... way to go, only me....
I am posting this because I did not want to go to the doctor and thought it would heal on its own. Tod made me go and it is a good thing. Once a tick bite is infected, if you do not catch it early... well, the treatment becomes more aggressive, expensive, and painful (according to my convenient care physician)... so.. don't want.. GO to the doctor...


Sarah said...

Oh, Cathy!! OUCH!! You goofball!! I'm so sorry. You are right, only you... we need to do something about that!
Jan, let's put a circle of prayer around this girl for safety from freak side-effects.


TheDorothyFamily said...

OH MY GOSH!!! In ONE day it looked like that? Ummm, maybe you should have listened to your husband earlier? Whenever I pull a tick off of Doug I immediately start with the alcohol daily on him or he'd look like that too.
Praying purification with each step you take.

Although I know no one else that has funky freaky side effects, I still see the hand of God working and seeing you thru. :)
