The cake debacle! It is NEVER boring or lacking in laughter around here! My angel food cake EXPLODED in the pan and was a ridiculous, gigantic, pretty good tasting mess! So, I called Tuesday and told her to pick up another cake on the way home from shopping and she got this yummy, rose buttercream cake for our enjoyment!

Tuesday made her money go a LOOONNNGGG way today and here are the outfits she got.. and she has money left over to go into savings!

The busiest, best dad in the world... working on the pool, mowing, taking Utah to hit baseballs, working on Tuesday's car, and so much more.. you rock, Dad!

1 comment:
Hey, the cake may not be pretty but as long as it taste good. Or you can try soaking it in Baileys or Amaretto. That always works for me. Tuesday, you must be a really good shopper-- that alot of clothes-- all cute. I didn't know F21 was still your favorite store. And speaking of cute, Utah, you are a pretty cute guy! Is that allright to say? Just be careful on the stairs-- can you actually see?
Did you get our birthday cards and the pictures?
What happened to your pool?!?! Jim is always complaining about ours but I have never seen anything like that. We just converted over to salt system and hope to save on chemicals.
What kind of milage does a comet get? Stick with vintage clothes and get a newer car. Old cars are for people with a dependable newer car.
love, E
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