Saturday, May 16, 2009

Utah is 14!!!

What a cute baby face (ignore the drool!).... It's my birthday, I do what I want...
The motorcycle gift.. that well.. landed him in the emergency room... same day...

Utah turned 14 today! We had a fun and interesting day... his baseball game got cancelled, so we had a day to ourselves! We went to the Razorback baseball game, thanks to Karen, and then out with family and friends. He opened presents and now has a friend over to eat cake with... Dad stole his gifts....

Me and the boy...
What is Tod doing in the background of this pictures... my goodness... not sure at all!

close up of Tod.. what is he doing???

WHAT?? Utah got a video game for his birthday.. crazy, simply crazy.. or TOTALLY what he asks for EVERY holiday!

Dad bought him a jersey...

the thinkin' man
at the game.. thank you Karen!!!!

Utah in his crown... being silly.. he was about 3 yrs old....

Utah and Tod's mom.... he is a tiny little thing...

Tod and Utah... his shiny new bike...
Utah's new haircut!

Big sis and little grumpy sucker face...
the girls and the boy...

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