We are so excited. Hubb came home from his second 3 week session with Nick Rangel(http://www.akadog.com/aka/Home.html) and we are once again, amazed at the results. Hubb loves Nick and he stood at the door after he left with his head tilted looking confused and a little sad. Hubb is sleeping now and Rudy must have missed him, because he is all cuddled up with Hubb.
First we bought this bed for Hubb. Cosmo has always hated beds and only wanted to sleep on rugs - until this bed showed up. So this is Cosmo's bed now...
Rudy is pretty mad he doesn't have a bed, too. He barked at us from this bed. But you can see in the pictures that follow that Rudy has his own blanket and sleeps on the couch with us and sleeps in the bed with us at night. He is SO spoiled. I tried to talk Tod into getting Rudy a bed that had a heater and it massaged, too... he wouldn't go for it! He said that Rudy lays on him for heat and expects me to rub his back!

Rudy missed Hubb!

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