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Christmas Tree Decorated!
Due to our vacation over Thanksgiving and the many schedules we have to align, we got our Christmas tree up on Sunday! We didn't do as much decorating as we usually do because there is less time until Christmas and we got a little lazy bringing the boxes down from the attic. Okay, really, Tod was the only one bringing the boxes down from the attic and we didn't want to make it go back for more! We had our usual good time (we missed Hannah though and finally just put her ornaments on the tree ourself because she won't be here until the Friday after Christmas) laughing and thinking back to when we bought and made some pretty silly ornaments!Utah is helping pick up all the newspaper from me wrapping the ornaments last year. I must have been in a very meticulous mood.. there was a LOT of newspaper! Rudy we helping and almost got lost in all the piles. We tried to get Utah to pretend to make a snow angel, but he wasn't interested in our fun! Utah did have his own brand of fun and stuffed Tod full of newspaper... cute picture, huh?
This is an ornament Tuesday made when she was very little. We call it the 'glitter vomit' or 'glitter bomb' ornament because there is glitter all over the ornament and anything that comes in contact with the ornament. It is 13 years old.. we have picked up glitter out of boxes, off the floor, and dusted it out of trees.. and there is still a TON of glitter on the ornament!
These are some book and a little Santa Claus that Grandpa and Grandma Young gave the kiddos and we read them together every! We realized today that we have Razorback ornaments and ND ornaments - but, Grandpa Young, we don't have a single Ohio State ornament.
The kids stockings are sooooo cute.... and soooo old, but they are originals, so we haven't ever replaced them. I have added some sequins and done some minor repairs over the years... but they are still their original and only stocking...

This little decoration is an inside joke... we are sharing it now, obviously. The kiddos always pick giant ridiculously huge and obnoxious ornaments to put in it when we first set it out.. then they pick something more reasonable (next image)...

This is Utah's little tree in his room...
Tod gets up every morning around 5:30am and walks Hubb. This is what Rudy does the entire time he is gone.. and he is whining and crying while staring at the door.. it is so pitiful.. but it is TOO cold to take Rudy right now.
Oh, it looks like you are done decorating just in time to come tonight! :)
We have the same kind of stockings! Well, except for Mace my mom hasn't finished it yet.
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