Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Looking back at last year's resolutions... how'd I do?
2008 Resolutions
1. Cook more.. feed Utah less Sonic meals! This means that we will only eat out once a week. Beverages are permitted any day of the week, though!
Ok... Utah ate out much less this year but it wasn't because I cooked more.. Tod took this one to heart and we haven't the majority of our meals at home. We don't even gets drinks very often anymore. I am drinking water all the time and Utah has learned to wait until we get home. There were definitely weeks we ate out more than once, though.
2. Continue working out 5X a week at Fuse with a trainer. The results being to reduce body fat (already at healthy level, woo hoo), go down one pant size, and increase overall health.
I have averaged 4X a week this year at the gym. I am down 15pounds, my body fat is down significantly, and I feel great. I need to loose about 17 more pounds before I will have reached my goal.. and my doctor has an even more aggressive goal. I am excited to be going down in pants size - already down one pant size.. so I didn't do too bad on this goal. However, I am still facing some health challenges and I am really hopeful that this year they will be resolved and I will have a better overall health.
3. Let go when needed... this one is key to my mental and spiritual health (and stress level).
Still working on this one...
4. Reconnect with siblings. I am starting with a visit this week! I will take an action monthly to facilitate connecting on a more frequent basis.
This one has been so rewarding. I have reconnected with Elizabeth. I have been to visit her twice and she brought Grace down this summer. We email all the time, talk on the phone frequently, and post on one another's blogs. It has truly been a blessing to reconnect. I still talk to the Beeson family but we haven't been to visit - there is a lot going on in both households to facilitate a trip and the distance is too far for a down and back.
5. Finish ESOL endorsement masters courses and create plan for 3 more graduate hours. My ultimate goal is a second master's degree or my national certification.
I finished my ESOL endorsement and 12 graduate hours with a 4.0gpa. WHOO HOO! I am applying to the Arkansas Leadership Academy for next year and plan to start my national board process, too.
6. Relax one night a week.. no grading, no work out, not paying bills.. just relax... this one is lofty.. might have to make it one night every TWO weeks!
Well.. I did OK on this one, but not really very well overall. Relaxing does not come easy for me at all! I hate sitting still.. my brain never stops and I feel very trapped.. I have to get up and get stuff done. However, I have been able to sit with the kiddos and watch TV, play board games, and visit and it has been a blessing!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
and the family fun continues...

Friday, December 26, 2008
Drum roll please... (and other quotes from National Lampoon's Christmas movie)
Starting here in green....
Clark: "This is what Christmas is all about. I'll uh park the cars and uh, I'll be outside for the season."
We started off our Christmas Eve with some baking.. the cookies went well, but the peanut butter balls were a bit challenging and resulted in a phone call to Lori for a refresher (again!) on the recipe. We finished them that night but still haven't covered them in chocolate...

The evening wrapped up with us watching National Lampoon's Christmas story... and I am hoping to find the opportunity to quote the movie as much as possible during this post. This movie is so funny and Tuesday can quote almost the entire movie...

Clark: "And if you believe in him, and you believe in your mom, and you believe in your... your dad, and if you've been good all year round, Santa Clause is going to bring you something."
Tuesday sings a lot of her comments.. and she was celebrating in song the One Tree Hill, season 5, disc set she got from Santa...

another inner box..

and yet another inner box...

yeah.. the final box....

Clark Sr.: SQUIRREL!

One of my gifts from Tod was a case of Fiji water - delivered to the house monthly! WHOO HOOOO! Since I only basically drink water and ice coffee occasionally, this is a wonderful gift. I love this water... and will recycle the bottles...

"I'd like Frank Shirley, my boss, right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy holiday slumber over there on Melody Lane, with all the other rich people, and I want him brought right here with a big ribbon on his head. And, I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, floor-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, *&*&less, hopeless, heartless, fat-a@@, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey sh** he is! Hallelujah! Holly Sh**! Where's the Tylenol?"
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Did you know a cow is a domestic bird and we eat its eggs....
the eiffel tower is in England... cow is a frequently guessed word when the first clue is mammel.. hungry, the state of wanting to eat, and Hungary the country sound the same when spoken as a cheat...
These were some of the things we learned today playing a board game titled smarta** that Tuesday bought for her Dad. He is constantly saying he knows everything, so this game tested his knowledge of 'what?', 'where', and 'who'... and I WON!
We also played Rummicube... it was fun, challenging... but fun, because I WON! :-)
Christmas Video
This is our Christmas video, using my new FLIP video from Tod. I love it and it is so small and easy to use!!!!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
New Purse ROCKS!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Ban the Balm!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Merry Christmas Emmet!
Tod and James started planning their annual trip to Memphis and Elizabeth and I started planning our 2nd annual spring break trip. I think we are going to St. Louis and go to the zoo, MAYBE six flags (after what happened last year in San Antonio we will have to do some research first, maybe go late in the day when the crowd has slowed down), maybe a baseball game, the arch... and anything else we can discover! If any of you have any St. Louis suggestions for two moms, a almost 14 year old boy, and an almost 2 year old boy - share them! We had a blast in San Antonio and don't expect to come home from St. Louis with fewer stories.

Saturday, December 20, 2008
First Day of Christmas Break
Tuesday and Jesse hung out with Utah while we shopped... and we came home with food (you should have seen Tuesday jump up and start picking up all their stuff when we walked in the door!).
Tonight we went to a Razorback basketball game... Utah had a friend coming but he had to cancel at the last minute, so it was the three of us. We still had a great time. Utah told Tod when we got home, "Thanks, Dad. It was fun. We should do that more often." That is all a mom and dad need to hear... so Tod is going to watch for more tickets at work (many people have season tickets and sell tickets they aren't going to use).
The Razorbacks won.. Go Hogs! I even called the Hogs with Tod and Utah - rarity!
Tagged by the number eight!
8 TV Shows I watch (don't sit down often enough to really watch a whole TV show, but these are the ones I attempt):
1. House
2. Burn Notice
3. Big Bang Theory
4. CSI (sometimes)
6. What Not to Wear? -you'd think I'd dress better!
7. Flip That House
8. whatever Tod has on the TV.... he is in charge of the remote!
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Shogun
2. Bonefish Grill
3. Fish City
4. Schlotsky's (great veggie pizza!)
5. I love breakfast for dinner.. so any great dive that serves pancakes with scrambled eggs.
6. Copelands
7. Tod's dinners are the best!
8. dessert from Mimi's
8 Things that Happened to Me Today (Friday):
1. realized I hadn't wrapped any presents yet, all in a pile in the closet
2. Made gingerbread houses with 40 7th graders
3. lost my phone, TWICE
4. witnessed Utah's moment of clarity!
5. served pizza to about 18 7th graders
6. went to bed knowing I could sleep in on Saturday... and two weeks off!
7. ate Chinese food with Tod and Utah
8. watched Jeff Dunham (comedian)
8 Things I Look Forward To:
1. the Holidays... kids home for the break!
2. reaching my goal weight!
3. National Boards next year....
4. Hanging out with Tod (he took the week off) and Tuesday, Hannah, and Utah over the break
5. Hubb coming home
6. baking with the kiddos
7. Visiting my sister Elizabeth and neice Grace
8. spending some time with Elizabeth, James, and Emmet over the Christmas break, we miss you guys!
8 Things I Wish For:
1. More time with my family... so busy during the school year...
2. More time with my friends...
4. The ability to reach ALL my students...
5. More quiet time.. reflective time... reading time... prayer...
6. Happiness.... success... for all my children....
7. more sleep
8. clarity
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Christmas Tree Decorated!

This is Utah's little tree in his room...