Obviously Utah is NOT a morning person.. but that didn't stop the rest of the boys from digging in..

THIS HAS BEEN A NIGHTMARE MONTH OF STRESS... that has ended on a very positive and fun Halloween night! Utah had some friends over (in the pictures). They went trick or treating in a neighborhood with a lot of other friends until about 10pm. Then the boys came to the house and spent the night. Saturday morning I made a triple batch of pancakes and they ate all of them but one!
Utah and I are heading to Leola next weekend to my sister's house. Utah will deer hunt and hang out with his Uncle Jimmy while I will hang out with my sister, hike, and ride four wheelers. Their house at the farm is really small and we will have 6 people staying in it.. so as much time as possible is spent outside.
I will also make the drive into Little Rock to visit the cemetary where our daughter Sarah, my parents, and my grandparents are buried. Tuesday went this weekend and cleaned things up while she was visiting friends in Conway. I will take some things with me to put on the graves.
I am hopeful this long month coming to an end will also bring the stress and chaos of October to an end. I spent the entire month being challenged by situations with ethical dilemnas, worked a lot of after school and weekend time (conference month), dealt with some Utah drama, put our house on the market so we can move into the RHS district (and we love our house and are sooo sad to have to put it on the market), and still teaching and trying to make sure students are challenged and doing their best can be very labor and time intensive!
We leave for the Mayan Riviera (resort Barcelo) the Wednesday of Thanksgiving break and return on Sunday. We are really excited.. the trip preperation is a tad bit stressful, though. We are looking forward to relaxing on the beach... and just hanging out together. We are sad Tod cannot go but we were unable to board our dogs and did not think it was fair to ask someone to housesit over Thanksgivng weekend. We will take a lot of pictures, though!
I am not sure why people say that when we set the clock back an hour we get an extra hour of sleep - I can never sleep pass my normal wake up time! AGH!
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