This was the silliest picture of Hubb ever... he was sound asleep, snoring like an old man, and his tongue was hanging out of his mouth. What a goober! He is so silly! He is 6 months old, barely, and is at least 80 lbs. He wouldn't hold still at the groomer Saturday to get weighed.. so it is an approximation!
Things are busy as ever around here right now... teaching on a two person team has been awesome and I couldn't have a better team teacher. We have gotten three new students this week and it has really changed the dynamics of our team (in an great way) and we are adjusting our blocks and plans to fit the new students needs. Teaching on a two person team also has some significant challenges.. though we only have 46 students.. we only have two people on the team and we still have to plan for the same events. We are working on our awards assembly and it is a lot more work with only two teachers involved in the details. We are both also planning for three subjects while working on several committees. We also have three subjects each to plan for... so.. it is a little stressful, but I am loving it at the same time.
Utah is loving Kirksey. He is back with his friends and really has exceptional teachers. He works hard in his classes and is doing very well in each subject. The culture at KMS is truly a blessing to our entire family. We are very hopeful that we can continue the blessing next year and have Utah stay with his friends at RHS. We know this is going to be a challenge for our family, but we know that if it is God's will, the challenge will work itself out without us trying to be in control. It is difficult for me to let go and let God.. but this is a good example of me learning to allow God to be in control. We fought so hard to get a house in a specific district and then everything changes.... such is life... we need prayer on this one...
We are only 7 weeks from our vacation to the Mayan Riviera... we are excited, though I am sad Tod isn't coming with us for this trip.. but we are blessed that he wants us to be able to go and enjoy ourselves. I feel a little guilty spending the money now that it is all said and done... but know that the time with Tuesday and Utah will be precious and irreplaceable.. we will miss Hannah, though.
Hubb starts his obedience classes this month.. thank goodness... he is quite obnoxious these days! We have found ways to spend more time with him and have him in his house less often each day... but he is still a giant 6 month old puppy who wants to run and play... even if he is inside!
Happy Birthday Sarah! Happy Birthday Wes!
We are blessed....
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