Sunday, August 3, 2008


This truly frightens me and my family - especially the senior adults in my family. The older Americans are the ones at risk to have the severe complications from this disease. I am scared for the children, too, just because of the misery and possibly complications they must suffer.,2933,379388,00.html


Sarah said...

Just read the following...but if "watching tv and playing video games" is a concern...I can't believe that the ones dying in poor countries are doing those thing....mmmm...also found a thing that said colloidal silver is a great "natural antibiotic" and I'm almost out so will be picking up some of that for us tomorrow....
thanks for the heads up, Cathy...I had no idea this was going on.

Measles is an illness which was always managed at home and almost never produced complications or resulted in any serious health issues whatsoever.

Traditionally, when a child in a family contracted measles, we used to darken down a room in the house where that child could remain in dim light. The child was given lots of water and other fluids and little stimulation for the 3 or 4 days that it took for that illness to run its course.

Much of the time the child would not be sleeping and would get bored if locked away in a bedroom, so it was common practice to darken a room near to the kitchen, maybe the dining room. There, the child would be able to be close to what was happening in the house and easily accessible to the mother or carer. We also used to spend time reading quietly to the child but encouraged them not to read themselves.

Measles is an inflammation of the optic nerve, which is a large bundle of nerve fibres leading directly to the brain. Sore and tired eyes and headaches along with lethargy are other symptoms of Measles and the reason for the darkened room and low stimulation was to rest the optic nerve and the brain itself during the time it took for the illness to resolve itself.

Nowadays there are two factors which in my opinion make measles a much more dangerous disease.

Firstly, if you try to manage a child by putting them in front of a TV or Video Game there is a very danger of overstimulating the optic nerve and the brain and I believe that modern cases of brain damage resulting from measles is much more due to the management of the illness rather than inherent in the illness itself.

Sarah said...


Sarah said...
just found this article as well...looks like the two cases they cite as an "outbreak" may not have been measles at all...for Arkansas's nice to get all the facts before the panic sets in.