We had a great flight. Emmet did wonderful. The amount of stuff we had to keep up with was incredible and I do not know how we could have done it if it wasn't for Utah's great attitude and willingness to help! He is still a teenager, but the only time he was difficult was when he wanted to take charge and lead us - and even then, just a little struggle and he was right back on track. I am so blessed to have a teenage son that enjoys a vacation with a 7 month old baby. Most teenage boys would be horrified. Utah carried tons of stuff, played for hours, and did not complain when our plans had to be changed because Emmet was fussy. It was a great time for all and an awesome opportunity for me to see what an exceptional young man (much like his father) Utah is growing up to be.. he did not demand to be put first even once!
When we arrived at our hotel, we immediately loaded up and went to the Hard Rock Cafe for a late lunch/early dinner. After that we took a walk to the Alamo and downtown San Antonio. It is a beautiful place. The weather was gorgeous, light jackets at night were even optional and it was never too warm.

The Alamo was beautiful...

Bath time...

1 comment:
I have the same bridge picture of our San Antonio trip! Glad you had a good time. Yeh, Utah is a good kid, don't forget. The issue over leading was probably just a male thing.
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