Chef Tod! I get teased a lot at work and by friends because Tod does all the cooking. Well, look at this delicious blackened salmon, rice, squash, and zucchini dinner.. he is a terrific cook!

Tuesday, Alex, and Kristen at the Rogers High School Alumni game... aren't they adorable! They are college sophomores now... Tuesday and Alex at UCA and Kristen at U of A. It was just two years ago that we were watching them play.. time flies!
Bathroom makeover! I forgot to take the 'before' pictures! However, we got rid of a horrible, old cabinet over the toilet and replaced it with this tin art. We also added the tin art by the mirror. It turned out well and the art was 1/2 price at Hobby Lobby!

Utah has been working very hard and Tod bought him this baseball hitting 'thing' as a reward.. he uses it in the garage right now because it is so cold! Rudy was helping...

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