Baseball season is here and the Julius family is loving it!!!! These pictures were taken before the first game of the season. Tod is coaching Utah's 14-15 yo team, aptly named the Rogers Hobos by the players. They wear mis-matched socks as part of the Hobo theme and are such a great bunch of kids. We have several players who have never played before and several who this is only their second season - so we are an 'expansion' team but we are improving each year. We have some young men that are truly role models in attitude and effort.
Several of the boys are Heritage students (or will be next year) and Utah has made some connections with those players. We are pleased because we are really worried and stressed about where Utah will go to school next year (Rogers no longer allows for in-district transfers for teachers except to the building in which the teacher/staff is working). We are zoned for Heritage but have our house on the market to move into RHS boundary because all of Utah's friends will be at RHS and a coach that we think is an exceptional man (Coach Caton) is an RHS football coach. However, as we have gotten to know these players it has occurred to us that God is comforting us through these young men and giving us the opportunity to see the caliber of students, teachers, and coaches at Heritage. It is truly in God's hands where Utah attends high school and we are blessed with the knowledge that Utah will be in great hands which ever high school he attends.
Utah and mom... you can't tell in this picture, but I am down 28 pounds and tried on 8's my last shopping trip.. goal is 6's.. but we will see, this last 10 to 15 pounds that I want to loose is hanging on pretty tight right now, but working out has really led to a loss in inches, too.. (sorry for the 'me' moment)... now, just have to buy new clothes so I don't have on such baggy stuff...
My handsome men... Tod has been such an awesome, patient coach. He has pushed the boys (and practices this week are going to be intense)... but he has remained positive and has really kept his eye on the goal of making each boy a better baseball player....
tough guys...