When Tod goes on a walk at night, he stops and picks blackberries for me... tonight they ended up on vanilla yogurt.. sometimes they end up in smoothies... sometimes I just eat them.. they are delicious...
Tod was letting out the helium in the balloons from Emmet's party so Elizabeth could have them and he lost hold of one of them and it is.. well.. still on the ceiling!
Each morning Tod goes down to the pool and turns on the pump... well, when he got home from work he had a major black eye that still looks pretty bad today...
He was walking down to the pump and stepped on the end of a broom and the handle came up and hit him in the face.. he said he saw stars just like in cartoons...
We have relentlessly teased him... but we are feeling kinda bad for him, too.... not that it isn't great material to use in the future!
oh that's right... she has had a rough go where cars are concerned (long, long, long story) and has NEVER complained or asked for something different or more than what we were able to provide her. She has continued to meet and exceed expectations with her grades, attitude, compromise, and character... therefore.. we surprised her today with our final car purchase for Tuesday... we are so happy to be able to financially provide her with this car and look forward to her driving it for at least ten years (that's how long we purchased the warranty for :-)!
I took some of the cacti and other plans I have been given by students and made this cool centerpiece for our kitchen table.. little dangerous but we like it.. thinking about adding some larger river stones.. not sure though...
I also put these petunias in our flower box on the front porch.. didn't clean up the dirt first, so the pictures is a little pitiful... but you get the picture!
It could not have been a more American experience. We were at a baseball game... Utah eating hot dogs... during the amazing and overwhelming fireworkings display they played Elvis singing Dixieland.. ended with Lee Greenwood. It was quite the All American evening and family fun!