Monday, June 30, 2008


If any of you have access to any furniture - we are in the market for affordable college student furniture. Specifically we need a

1) couch
2) end table for bedroom
3) some storage

Just a heads up and s.o.s.

Staring July in the face!!

WOW! What a day.. there is still so much left to do and it is already July!

Today I.... 1) took Utah to speed camp 2) tutored pre-algebra 3) shopped for furniture for Tuesday's apartment at flea markets 4) got a metal filling replaced 5) worked out

Still need to... 1) go to wal*mart and get the pictures I am framing for Tuesday 2) score the pre-algebra assessment and plan tutoring for Wednesday 3) go to Mosers and p/u planning books

I bought this awesome book, Math Doesn't Suck, by Danica McKellar.. it is a phenomenal book and resource. I think that is going to be my theme for math next year - though I hate the word 'suck' a lot, it is how most middle school students refer to, discuss, and feel about math. So, hopefully, this straightforward approach will convert some students.. has some great ideas and I am truly excited about this upcoming year!

This week is going to be another crazy week.. but we are excited about the 4th of July!

Friday, June 27, 2008

What a day of NOTHING

Thursday was my stay at home, do nothing day... except:

9:45 went to the gym for a spinning class

When I got home:

1. vacuumed (floor and walls for dust bunnies)

2. oiled wood floors and kitchen cabinets

3. scrubbed stove top (it was grosso)

4. cleaned two bathrooms

5. two loads of laundry

Baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies...

Yikes.. what a day! We then went to a ball game and Utah went to the movies with a friend...

fun day!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Tell me your plans for the week!

Tell me your plans for the week.... we are all so busy...

Due to a change in my thyroid medication (adjustment made due to over treatment of T3 and under treatment of T4), a required slow down has taken place on my daily accomplishments.. however, I am moving through my to do list fairly quickly. I just simply have to start earlier because by 7pm, my body is DONE. I am so exhausted that I ache. I hope I adjust quickly to this change in medication!

Still tutoring on Monday and Wednesday from 10:00am to 11:00am. Utah works out with a trainer immediately following tutoring sessions, and that is usually wen I work out on Monday and Wednesday. I am taking off one day each week from working out.. a little nervous this week because I took today (Monday) off and that makes for a long week. It is a good thing that I love working out :-)

Today I accomplished:
1. family passport pictures
2. picked up glasses, medication, paychecks (and deposited), and visited my doctor's office
3. Went to wal*mart and bought some necessities (trying to limit wal*mart visits to Sunday to curb spending).
4. Paid bills (though this remains ongoing each week)
5. filled out Utah's passport application (waiting on black ink cartridge to complete the remainder of the families passport applications)
6. Baked (possibly over baked) a lemon cake
7. Soaked of nails and am ala' natural now and I love it! My toes are still receiving their ever 3 to 4 weeks pedicure until September though.

Remaining for this week is to p/u Utah's baseball bag (being repaired), enter the Carroll Electric green contest (waiting on Carroll Electric bill), pick up and prepare potted plants around pool, p/u contacts, and begin planning Emmet's first birthday (he is in MI with his mom and family and we MISS HIM!).

I have a breakfast meeting with a friend on Tuesday... Hubb to the vet Tuesday afternoon.

Wednesday I tutor and train in the morning, dentist at 1:00pm, and chiropractor at 5pm.

Friday I take Utah to train and have a 1pm hair appointment (long overdue) with Robin.

I plan to watch Dr. Phil every day that I can and get some time by the pool at least a couple of days this week!

Tell me your plans for the week!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Hannah and Trent sent these beautiful sunflowers in memory of Sarah. They are the most beautiful sunflowers I have ever seen and they have really brought me comfort.... thank you!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Always Missing Sarah Avery (December 2, 1992 - June 18, 1994)

Some of the family at Sarah's dedication. Uncle Jim, Mammie (my mom), Aunt Elizabeth, Uncle Bubba (Wilson Avery and Sarah was named after him, Sarah Avery), and me (nice hair, huh?). My beautiful mother and her granddaughter.

Mom's little angel..
We were SO broke this Christmas. We made all the kiddos gifts and one of the things Sarah loved the most was the house we built out of a refrigerator box. It had pictures, windows, curtains, and little furniture. She LOVED it!
Sunflowers are our 'in memory' symbol for Sarah. Her Aunt Elizabeth made this outfit for her and she looked beautiful every time she wore it.

Grandpa Doyle and Sarah at her dedication. Grandpa passed away on March 22, 2001 and my only comfort was knowing that he was doing this exact thing in heaven with Sarah right now.

Tod with Tuesday, Sarah, and Hannah. It is one of the few pictures we have with all the girls together.

I would listen to this song over and over again after Sarah left. I would stare out my window and think of her... miss her... though I doubt Melissa Etheridge ever knew the extent this song reached out to an empty and lonely mother... it brought me comfort.

Come to my window
Crawl inside, wait by the light
of the moon
Come to my window
I'll be home soon

I would dial the numbers
Just to listen to your breath
I would stand inside my hell
And hold the hand of death
You don't know how far I'd go
To ease this precious ache
You don't know how much I'd give
Or how much I can take

Just to reach you
Just to reach you
Just to reach you

Come to my window
Crawl inside, wait by the light
of the moon
Come to my window
I'll be home soon

Keeping my eyes open
I cannot afford to sleep
Giving away promises
I know that I can't keep
Nothing fills the blackness
That has seeped into my chest
I need you in my blood
I am forsaking all the rest

Just to reach you
Just to reach you
Oh to reach you

Come to my window
Crawl inside, wait by the light
of the moon
Come to my window
I'll be home soon

I don't care what they think
I don't care what they say
What do they know about this
love anyway

Come to my window
Crawl inside, wait by the light
of the moon
Come to my window
I'll be home soon

Sarah passed away 14 years ago early on the morning of June 18th. She would have been 16 years old this December 2... she is missed.

Always Missing Sarah

Monday, June 16, 2008

Surprise task!

I was trying to do the FAFSA for Tuesday and ended up 1) cleaning out the file cabinet in order to locate the FAFSA pin #'s we needed and then 2) shredding all the old documents and receipts we no longer needed and then 3) doing the FAFSA....

I love marking things off my list enough that I add completed tasks, just to mark them off.. kinda embarrassing!

Look at all that shredding.. shew! Reduced all the files to this one bin... impressive, if I say so myself!

Green and Saving..

I just heard on the radio that Americans could save a tremendous amount of money and oil if they followed their manufacturer's recommended oil change intervals instead of automatically changing the oil every 3000 miles. A GM representative recommended checking that your car had not gotten low on oil between oil changes - especially if going approximately 5000 miles (which is the recommended timeframe for many American cars made after 1993).


Sunday, June 15, 2008


This verse struck me today... as we talk about ways to save money, let's not forget to be generous...

If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother. Rather be openhanded and freely lend him whatever he needs.
Deuteronomy 15:7-8

Father's Day Fun!

Looking to next week...

My to do list is fairly daunting for this week, so I went ahead and knocked one big thing out today!

DONE 1. I cleaned out the big pool storage bin and we bought a storage bench (which I put together). All the junk went to the curb for trash. I cleaned the enormous pool umbrella, cleaned all the floaties, and swept the deck also. I encountered THREE snakes (two black, one ribbon), two snake skins, many frogs, and several lizards. Thank goodness the spiders were not there today!

These are the after pictures, sorry Keisha, forgot to take the before pictures (again!). On next week's to do list is to get plants potted and around the pool. MAYBE try to do it next weekend.. we'll just have to see how I hold up without baseball season!

DONE 2. Make appointment and take Hubb to vet for shots.

DONE 3. Order NuVet for Hubb.

3. PIck up and apply for passports for our Thanksgiving trip.

Update: have to order a original birth certificate for Tod, so this is delayed a little. I did gather all the necessary documents for the rest of us and we have an appointment for this week to get our pictures taken - so making progress!

4. Vacuum and clean carpet on stairs.

5. Take and pick up Utah's baseball bag for mending (baseball season is over).

DONE 6. Make several phone calls.

7. Pay bills.

8. P/U checks from Rogers Public Schools and put together budget for summer.

9. Move Shelf from bedroom to office

DONE 10. Clean out files, Shred all documents... whoo hoo...

That's all for now! I am also tutoring three days this week and fortuantely, we have a pedicure appointment for Tuesday!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Just curious ... have you made any changes in your anticipation of high(er) gas prices??

As a family, we have done the following:

1. We are making bigger payments on our cars hoping to have them paid off and more disposable income.
2. Little things... for example, I am SICK of my nails and am no longer having them done ($60 a month).
3.Limited (even further) the number of stops for beverages or snacks (after baseball for Utah and such) in drive-thru's... so.... we bought more healthy food for home and are just choosing to eat at home as often as humanly possible.

We are coming up with more stuff to do to ensure we are prepared for the gas prices.. share your stories and we can get ideas from one another!

**Keisha had a great idea about trading in the SUV.. but Tod likes Allen's suggestion the best and is totally supportive of 'no weed eating to save gas!'. We have a motorless, push blade (circular) that we can use if we want to get serious about saving gas! That will lead to some fantastic mowing pictures!

** My sister Elizabeth's idea about no left turns (borrowed from UPS) is a great one... I HATE left turns anyway and this is another great way to avoid them.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Thursday and Friday

Friday the 13th lived up to his name...
The day started sleep deprived from a yelping puppy who finally let us sleep in after a long night. I cleaned house for a couple of hours... and all is done except Tuesday's room (which is totally up to her!) ... even got the sheets washed for company... yeah!

Then Tuesday called with her gas light on (she drove to Springdale from Little Flock with it on), no money, no debit card, and needed to be able to get home after her day babysitting. After searching for her debit card (she later found it right where I looked!), we decided to just take her money and meet her at a gas station!

Then I went to Wal*Mart for weekend food and beverage.

Then I got a spray tan.. which I should have taken a before and after.. sorry!

Then I decided to quit getting my nails done and will soon start the soak off process. It is $22 to get a fill every two weeks and that is GAS MONEY and I am pretty sick of the time and energy associated with cute nails!

Dad made a yummy dinner.. I baked a cake... we are watching movies.. Tuesday left for a friend's house.. Hannah and Trent should be here around midnight.....

Puppy training is going good.. attempting a nail trim tonight...


Well, it was a fun day! The best part of the day was swimming with Emmet (and eating out with friends). Emmet LOVED the water and had a very relaxing time! He had to quit swimming when he started shivering!

Utah had ball camp and I ran errands during ball camp... after camp we went to lunch with the Mauldins and the Weichmans. It was fun!

We actually managed to have some grown up time and conversation while the boys ate and hung out in the video room.

Utah and I returned his trombone (he isn't playing in the band anymore), picked up his under armor for baseball, and headed home to relax! Tonight is a day off from the gym.... so, I dusted and cleaned the kitchen...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Well.. today has been another busy day!

1. Got Utah to baseball camp at 8:30am.
2. Got nails done at 9am.
3. P/u alterations and got measured for some additional alterations.
4. Took back some pants to Kohl's.. bought Tod's father's day present.
5. Spent hours on the phone trying to find white with black pinstripe baseball pants.
6. Spent hours on the phone searching for a short sleeve YXL black under armor shirt.
7. Did some proofing and editing for a friend's business.

and it is only 3pm... yikes!

Plans for the evening include working out and taking Utah to baseball practice!

I also have to do my 15 minutes of cleaning.. I think it will be the bathrooms!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Attack Update...

Another day.. another attack...

Tuesday and I got the storage cleaned out... we have such a little amount remaining that we downsized by $30 a month and changed storage locations to a safer location.. whoo hoo! Tod is moving the stuff this weekend.

Got all the weekend stuff from Wal*Mart...

My phone works now... sends and receives emails... another thing off the to do list!

Tuesday is taking stuff to the Salvation Army for me today... and taking the trumpet back to Fayetteville on Thursday..

Going to work out at 5:45 with Elizabeth.. she is joining Fuse and we are working out together.. that is AWESOME!

Utah had his first day of Mountie Baseball Camp - this will be the last year he will have camp with Coach Woodruff. Coach Woodruff is a phenomenal coach, teacher, and person. Each year Utah (and all other campers) got a note from him reminding him about the camp and encouraging him to attend. Hannah had him for a class in high school and he is truly spectacular as a teacher, too. He will be missed!

We are knocking stuff out.. whoo hoo!

Now.. if Hubb would just sleep later than 7am, I could sleep in one morning!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Attack one task each day

I have a lot of tasks I want to complete this summer and I am easily overwhelmed and frustrated when thinking about the tasks as a whole.. so, a friend of mine named Sarah mentioned the 15 minute timer approach to tasks. You pick a task, set the timer for 15 minutes, and work ONLY on that task for 15 minutes. Though I don't follow it exactly, it is the spirit of my attack on tasks this summer. This is day three of my summer and here are my accomplishments:

1. Cleaned out, organized linen closet.
2. Cleaned out, organized Utah's room and closet. Tuesday did her room at the same time.
3. Cleaned out, organized mine and Tod's closet.
4. Gathered clothes from all the closets for the Salvation Army.
5. Cleaned out and scrubbed the refrigerator and freezer.
6. Registered for the PRAXIS test for ESOL endorsement.

Tomorrow Tuesday and I are attacking the storage room during the morning before it gets hot. It will take more than one day and more than one trip to the Salvation Army. Our goal is to AT LEAST reduce the size of the storage closet we require as a family while also not bringing ANYTHING home with us... either it stays in storage, goes to salvation army, or is trashed. I will update you tomorrow.

I will keep you posted on how effective this approach is when attacking lots of tasks!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Weekend projects!

We are slowly moving through out weekend projects. Tod has already replaced the bathroom light fixtures. This weekend he replaced the bathroom faucets. There were three trips to Lowe's but it got done, thank goodness!

Still on the list is replacing the kitchen faucet, the kitchen cabinet knobs, two ceiling fans (sheesh they are ugly), and new counter tops (formica, so not too expensive, thank goodness!

This is in the guest bathroom and quite a tight squeeze!Tod's forever attentive audience!
After... these are 30% more water efficient and kinda cool and fun looking, too! The kids like them!